Happy Monday my lovely readers! Welcome to a new week and welcome to a brand new photo diary straight from my life. Last week was pretty much completely dedicated to getting things together. I made a bunch of content, had a business meeting, worked on that secret project I’ve had going on for months… I’m also slowly but surely re-organising and decluttering little areas around the house here and there. Interior decorating is a never ending process and I’ve really been enjoying making our place more to our (ok, mostly my) liking. Let’s take a look at the photos I took last week!

I love seeing how much personal style can evolve over time. A lot about my style has changed, but so much has stayed the same as well. I still gravitate towards dark colours and neutrals the most, but the style, silhouette and cut of my clothes has shifted noticeably over the past few years. I’m reaching for much more structured pieces now, as opposed to the frilly romantic items I used to love in my late teens/early 20’s.

Sharing the last of my soy yogurt with the boys during their morning roam. One of my favourite moments of the day :)

It snowed in the Netherlands! This is a rare occasion and one I always find myself enjoying a lot. I think it’s quite funny how the whole country panicks as soon as there’s a tiny flurry of snow, considering how many Dutch people travel to the Alps annualy to enjoy a ski holiday. You’d think they’d be able to handle the snow a little bit better but no, this tiny amount is enough to cause an official calamity. I personally love the snow though and I wouldn’t mind proper snowy winters here at all.

I spent a large portion of the week working on content planning and production. I’ve got a whole bunch of blog post drafts ready now that are waiting to be finalised and published. It feels really nice to have some content lined up and ready to go, takes so much time pressure off of the creative process. This week I’m hoping to film a few extra videos so that I can have those ready in advance as well.

Oh yes, I’m still at the gym twice a week! Honestly, watching Netflix on the treadmill makes everything so much easier. I get to enjoy some light entertainment and get fit at the same time. Win-win :) There’s this scale at the gym which measures your fat and muscle percentages, and in just these three weeks I’ve already traded one percent of fat for muscle. No idea whether that’s a good, bad or average result, but it’s more than I was expecting. Woop!

On Thursday I had a meeting planned with my influencer manager in the city center, so I got to enjoy this beautfiul view of snowy central Amsterdam. My love-hate relationship with the city is still going strong, but I do have to admit it’s very pretty.

Hello, beautiful fresh batch of kimchi! I made a huge amount this time which barely fits in my fermentation pot, and I can’t wait to gobble it all up in the next few days. Making kimchi takes a bit of work and a bunch of ingredients, but it’s so good when it’s done and very healthy, too. Recipe coming soon, by the way :)

My little cuddlebugs <3

Even now in winter when we barely use it at all, I still get so much joy from our little balcony. I had no idea how much I missed having outside space until I had it again. There’s a little winter flower which I got from a friend, my light-up tree and my boxwood bush is still doing well, too. Such a happy sight to behold when you’re warm and snug inside.

I filmed a video showcasing all the hairstyles I actually wear on a regular basis. Check it out here if you haven’t seen it yet!

On Friday night we did some baking with the explorer scouts. We made giant chocolate chip cookies, cheese puffs and Oreo cupcakes. The results were delicous and we had a blast in the kitchen. This reminded me I should try and bake something at home again. I’m usually not the best at baking and that tends to put me off trying, but how am I ever going to get better if I never practice?

With the help of my Patreon donations I ordered a new lens online, an upgrade of my old 50mm lens. This new one has near-silent auto focus so I can actually use the auto focus function during filming. Since I’m alone and move a lot when I talk, focusing the camera is a huge struggle to me and it doesn’t always turn out the way I’d like. Hopefully this new lens means no more blurry videos from now on! I’m really excited to try it out this week.
On Saturday I went over to my parents’ house, to learn the basics of some design software I’m using for my little secret project. Robbert came over in the afternoon and we had dinner with my family, before heading back home to watch Wie Is De Mol.

Sunday was designated cleaning day. I spent the morning tidying and cleaning the house, and when that was done and Robbert was doing his cleaning tasks, I sat down to put my new skills into practice. I was able to improve my designs where needed and order a few new samples of the thing I’m working on. Heheh, sorry for the mystery but you’ll find out really soon I promise! Anyways, through all of the decluttering I’ve been doing, some space was freed up to move things around in my office and make them more aesthetically pleasing. We keep a lot of book overflow in this cabinet, and I now spread that across two shelves instead of having all the books crammed into one cubicle. I do think it looks much nicer this way, and it’s more practical for sure.

In the evening we were pooped from all the cleaning we’d done, so Robbert and I had a little Netflix binge. We watched the first few episodes of the new season of the Punisher. I have to say this one is among my favourites from the Marvel shows, even though it’s very violent and graphic.
Oh, in case you missed it in my last Vlogmas video, this wand was a Christmas present I got and it controls the television. Yep, it’s actually a remote, it works and it’s the coolest thing ever. You use different motions for different controls and I absolutely love it.

Evening cuddles with the ratties <3 I’m so happy to have these little bundles of joy in my life. I can hardly remember what it was like to not have pets.
And that brings us to the end of my week! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week, and I hope this one’s off to a great start. Talk to you soon!