Hello my lovely readers! Apologies for the radio silence on here once again. I only have a few photos to share with you this time as well I’m afraid, as our skiing holiday in Austria didn’t go quite as planned… Let’s start at the beginning though. In last week’s diary I traveled over to a little wooden cabin in the Alps to enjoy the last of this year’s snow, and that’s where we’re picking up again.

The first few days in Austria were great. The weather was lovely, the snow was amazing, and we had fun exploring different slopes around the area.

Confession: those little old ski lifts that look like a park bench and swing back and forth like nobody’s business… Those terrify me. I get all the roller coaster ride feels and I’m NOT fond of those at all, no sir. I do go on them and it gets better the older I get, but man I wish they’d just hurry up and modernize them all, haha!

Our third skiing day started off great. We went to another area which looked amazing and had the most beautiful views.

Unfortunately, right at the bottom of the first slope, my mom fell. We had to call an ambulance and ended up spending the rest of the day at the hospital. It’s nothing life-threatening, no worries. The doctors there told us it would be best if mom got home as soon as possible though to get treatment for her injury, so the next day she and I got up bright and early and headed off.
Mom stayed with Robbert and me in Amsterdam for the rest of the week so that we could take care of her until my family gets home. I’m glad to report she’s doing well! The injury is probably going to take a long time to heal, but she’s doing better and better every day and it seems to be less urgent than the doctors in Austria thought.

Little Bran has been a right terror. Ever since he discovered the floor isn’t lava, all he wants to do is explore. Preferably the dirtiest, most dangerous and hard-to-reach places in the house, of course. I haven’t gotten around to rat-proofing the house yet and I’m not sure I’ll ever fully be able to, so for now I just have to run after him and grab him before he gets into trouble.

I had been invited to join a panel at a YouTube event about modern feminism on International Women’s Day. I thought I wouldn’t be able to make it as I was supposed to be on holiday, but as I was home after all I decided to go last minute. It was a super inspiring event, I’m very glad I ended up going!

On Sunday hopped over to the gym to get some movement in. I had to cycle through a storm to get there but it was worth it, haha! This photo was taken during my cool down, by the way. I didn’t do the whole 40 minutes at 3.2 km/h, promise :)
And that brings us to today! I dropped my mom off home earlier this morning, so it’s back to normal life for me now. I’m sad we weren’t able to enjoy the snow a bit longer and of course I’m really sad that my mom got hurt, but honestly I’m mostly just glad things didn’t end much worse (as they could have) and that she seems slowly on the mend already.
I hope you’re all doing well guys, talk to you soon!

I hope your mom recover soon.
Thanks 😊
So sorry to hear about the accident. I hope your mom recovers soon. :)
Thank you!