Happy Monday, loves! Well then, this was the week. The one we’d prepared for; the one when they renovate our sewer pipes and we can’t use any running water. Or so we thought. We were loaded up on wet wipes, disinfecting hand gels, bottles of drinking water and lots of plans to dine with friends, only to find out three days in… We could use the kitchen when they were working on the bathroom, and vice versa. It was quite anti-climactic, let me tell you that, haha! Ah well, we decided to keep the plans we had after all, and it was still rather nice not to have to do the dishes in the shower. Let’s take a look at what I was up to last week.

This was our bathroom situation for a good portion of the week. It was a bit inconvenient of course, but I have to say they did a really good job and were surprisingly quick about it.

Our storage unit happens to be the one the sewage pipe runs through, so they had to place a bin in there to catch the dirt (luckily this is the kitchen line so no… excrements, but still. Ew). But again, they covered everything well and cleaned up afterwards so we really don’t have any reason to complain.

Before we found out we were allowed to use one of our water systems, we had arranged to brush our teeth and clean our dishes somewhere else every night. On Monday evening we headed to the scouting to do all the necessary things.

Bran wasn’t allowed on the floor this week because the room still isn’t properly rat-proofed and losing him behind the built-ins now would be the worst possible timing, with the renovations and all. He played on the sofa with his friends instead and we kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn’t escape :)

We had decided not to cook this week to save having to clean dishes, so we ordered in some delicious salads from SLA.

In the evening we headed over to our friend’s house in Gouda for dinner and a game of our Dungeons & Dragons pirate campaign.

As we’d have people walking in and out of our house all week, I made sure I didn’t have to film any videos this week. I did have to edit all the material I shot the week before though, so there was plenty for me to do. A lot of time was spent by my desk, as always.


On Wednesday evening Robbert and I met up with our friends at Kebabi in Amsterdam. This is a really nice small vegan bar/restaurant where you can play ping-pong and enjoy delicious food & dinks. They serve amazing vegan doner kebab, among other things.

And did I mention you can play ping-pong? :) It’s been a good few years since I last played and it was good to see I still have it, haha!

After we found out we could use our running water after all, I made myself a delicious breakfast of strawberry pistachio oatmeal. Yum yum!

Thursday evening we went to Robbert’s family’s house to cook & eat there. And pet their cats, of course :)

It was world rat day last week, which means extra cuddles for the boys. Honestly though, every day is world rat day over here.

Friday, scouting night! I got to enjoy this beautiful view in the park while the teens played live Stratego there. Words can’t express how glad I am the sun is out for longer these days. It’s working miracles on my mood and energy levels.

On Saturday the renovations were over, so we first tidied up the storage and put everything back in its place. Then we proceeded to clean around the house (I gave the bathroom the most thorough cleaning ever, from ceiling to floor) and after Robbert left, I dedicated some time to plant care. I went around all my plants, cut out the dead leaves, topped up their soil, dusted them off and watered them with plant food. I also planted some new plants on the balcony (remember those herbs I got from Nivea a few weeks back? The lavender now lives outside to make more room for the others).

In the evening I went downstairs to take out the trash and realised the weather was amazing. I decided to go for a quick walk while it was still light out, and got treated to the most amazing sunset. So many plants are in bloom around my neighborhood right now! I love it.

This week’s cuddle pile photo :) My favourite thing <3

My progress on the knitting project. I’m going quite slowly, mainly because I only dedicate a few minutes each day to knitting. It’s looking nice though, and I’m quite happy with my choice of yarn. Can’t wait to see it progress more.
And that brings us to the end of a week which we expected to be very difficult, but turned out to be full of fantastic quality time with each other and friends, and much less hardship than expected. I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend guys, talk to you soon!