In today’s video I’m going to do another hairstyle from Mark Campbell’s Self-Instructor in the Art of Hair Work, an authentic Victorian hairdressing manual. Enjoy watching!

In today’s video I’m going to do another hairstyle from Mark Campbell’s Self-Instructor in the Art of Hair Work, an authentic Victorian hairdressing manual. Enjoy watching!
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Thank you Lucy!
Very informative, and you look so pretty in that style.
Next time, please arrange the lighting so that you are not a silouette, and have tthe main source of light from one side. Your hair is dark, and there was no way to see the details well, when your head is against a strong back light.
Keep up the good work!
I found your video because I am researching a project for a sculpture of a victorian woman and want to understand how she did her hair.
~Anne S.
Hello! I havent watched your videos for a long time, but i love watching them. They make me feel more productive. But i do have a beauty beacons suggestion, Sharon Tate, Gene Tierney, or Lauren Bacall.