In today’s video I’m going to follow along with a 1943 US army instructional video for women, dictating how they’re supposed to do their hair and makeup. Let’s see what the results are!

Beauty, Hair, Historical, Makeup, Video
In today’s video I’m going to follow along with a 1943 US army instructional video for women, dictating how they’re supposed to do their hair and makeup. Let’s see what the results are!
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Hi Lucy :)
You have such beautiful skin and I’ve watched all your skincare videos to learn some tips.
But I wanted to ask about how you look after your body. Do you moisturise? How often and when?
I recently started using lotion. Is it supposed to feel so sticky? Do I need to put it everywhere? It feels so weird on my stomach!
I’m wondering if there’s a better way and if you had any tips?
Thanks so much, Nina
Hi Nina,
Thank you! I’m very lucky to have a skin that doesn’t really require anything- that goes for my face as well as my body. I can get away with being very lazy with my skin care, and I am! I use body moisturizer once every few months, if at all.
If it feels weird, maybe just apply it wherever your skin is dry? Although if you don’t feel like you need it, I personally wouldn’t bother ;)