Welcome to a new sew with me video! In this one, I’m going to make a linen summer dress to fulfill my cottagecore dreams. As always, I’m presented with a few new challenges, but there’s also a lot of improvement compared to earlier projects. Enjoy watching!

I just watched the video for this, and you said on the video that setting in sleeves is always difficult for you (I forget your exact words). A few decades ago, I started setting the sleeves *before* I sew the side seams. I have never found any instructions that say to do it that way, but it’s never been a problem, and it’s made it a lot easier to get the sleeve caps correct without having to redo parts where the bodice fabric got pinched and I didn’t notice it. Since you don’t have a free-arm sewing machine (your sewing machine reminds me of my mom’s old Necchi sewing machine from the 1950s), I think that would make putting sleeves in a lot easier for you as well.
Thanks for the tip! I might try that soon, I can see how that would be easier
Hi Lucy! As a fellow dutchwoman I was wondering if by any chance you obtained this fabric in a dutch shop or webshop and where you might have gotten such a wonderful linen. Also, how much fabric did you end up using for this? It turned out so wonderfully and definitely inspiring me to make my own.
Hi Sanne,
I ordered this linen through actiefstoffen.nl :) I’m not sure how much I used exactly, but I got 3m and still have a bit left. I think I used about 2-2.5m
Hah! that’s amazing! I actually just ordered from them monday because them fabrics looked really nice and I only just saw this reply. Thanks so much for replying though and thus assuring that I made a good choice!