Watching personal style change and evolve over time is something that fascinates me. This outfit right here is one I never would’ve put together a few years back, let alone worn out in public. Yet now I absolutely love it and it also feels very… me. That’s what it all boils down to in the end, doesn’t it? Wearing something that fits the “you” that you are right now, which could perfectly well be someone else today than it was yesterday. I’ve always loved dressing in different styles, ever since I was a teen and got free reign over my outfit choices. In fact, I became quite notorious for showing up at school dressed as a completely different person every day. I loved it. Where’s the fun in sticking to one style, anyway? With all the options available, I don’t think I could ever pin myself down to wearing one type of clothing only. I just like too many things and want to wear them all, according to my whimsy in the morning.
However, there is usually a trend in my wardrobe and a direction it goes in, even though not all pieces necessarily match each other. There tends to be a colour theme running through everything at least, and usually there is one dominant style that becomes my go-to for a longer period of time. Over the past while I’ve noticed I’m leaning more and more towards structured, minimal, chic pieces with a flattering cut. I tend to style them in a way that’s reminiscent of vintage style, but I rarely go there all the way. I like my looks to be a bit casual and modern still. The colours I reach for the most are in fact the same they have been for years now: neutrals, with black and beige taking the lead.
It’s been a hot minute since I last posted an Outfit of the Day on here, and considering how much my style has changed, I think it’s about time I did one again. This outfit represents where I’ve been going with my looks lately really well. It features a few relatively new pieces (the trousers & blazer), and has that old timey feel that I love. This whole look is a bit more vintage than I’d maybe go for in day to day life, but I mostly put that down to the hair. I was filming a Pin Curl Diaries video this day and it all came together really nicely. I really like this look and it’s definitely one I’ll be wearing more often.

I’d like to officially dub this style: grandpa chic. Hahaha! The trousers are new in my wardrobe and I’m still trying to figure out how to style them in different ways. I’ve never owned anything similar to these, as the only bottoms I generally wear are skinny jeans and skirts. The paperbag trouser look is something I’ve really liked for a while though so I’m definitely going to experiment with this pair more. If you have any ideas on how I could style them, do let me know!

See, It was a good Choice to keep These Shoes as they fit your current style!😀
I think it would be really neat if you did a post like this but with pictures of how your style has evolved throughout the years. I would love to see that!
This totally looks like something Claire from Outlander would wear!