Using rice water for stronger, healthier and, most importantly: longer hair. It’s a DIY beauty method I’d come across every now and then, but two months ago I decided to go ahead and give it a try myself. I recorded a video where I made the fermented rice water and tried it for the first time. It left my hair feeling really nice, it was shiny and soft so I decided to keep using it for a little longer. If you haven’t seen that video, I suggest watching it first for a bit of context. I also explain where the method comes from and how to make the rice water in that video.
In short, you add a tablespoon of rice (any rice should work) to a cup of water in a container with a closed lid, and leave it for a day or two. The rice water will ferment, after which you strain out the rice and the water is ready for use.
It’s been two months now since I started using fermented rice water on my hair, so I thought I’d check in and let you know how it’s going. Did it work?
In the beginning, I used the rice water twice a week, with every wash. After I while I started to worry that it might be making my hair brittle, which is something that can happen if you use too much protein on your hair. I switched to using it every other wash, or about once a week. I used rice water that was fermented for anywhere between half a day to two days. Whenever I’d use it, my hair would come out extra shiny and soft and feel absolutely amazing. However, I can’t say I’ve noticed any change in the growth of my hair at all. I don’t believe my hair got significantly longer, and I did actually end up cutting it about a week ago. My ends had gotten to that scraggly stage where you know your hair has gotten longer than it can handle, and it just no longer looks good.
I do have lots of baby hairs, but I always have those and there aren’t noticeably more of them than usual. Well everyone, it seems the queen of underwhelming results is back.

However, I do think I might get better results still, if I use the rice water differently. Until now I’ve been using it as a sort of hair mask. I’d dip my ends into it, pour the rest over my roots and length, and clip my hair up while I shaved etc. in the shower. Then I’d let my hair down again and rinse out the rice water. After doing a bit more research, I found out that quite many people actually use the rice water as their final rinse and don’t rinse it out afterwards. I can see how leaving it in would strengthen its effects, and it’s what I want to start doing now.
I’ll admit, the results I’ve gotten so far haven’t outweighed the trouble of making the fermented rice water, so I’ve been slacking a bit over the past few weeks. Now that I know the real magic (hopefully) happens when you leave it in, I’m more than happy to give it another go. I’ll make sure to update you again in a few weeks, with before and after pictures.

Hello Lucy,
You really dot me interested in using the rice water, would you say it is better now that you leave it on? Are you still using it at all? I saw a suggestion to cook the rice and use that water. What do you think?
Thank you very much