It’s time for some drastic measures. I set a resolution for 2020 that I was going to use my phone less, and here’s my first step. I’m going on a cold turkey detox and not using my smartphone for a week. Let’s see how I did!

It’s time for some drastic measures. I set a resolution for 2020 that I was going to use my phone less, and here’s my first step. I’m going on a cold turkey detox and not using my smartphone for a week. Let’s see how I did!
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My boyfriend and I choose to have phones that are juste phones, no smartphones. Multiple reasons for that : ecological, economical, to avoid time consuming gadgets… When I watch a video like yours, I’m kind of afraid by the amont of things you traditionally do with your smartphone. Imagine if someone or just a virus could take control of your phone, it will be able to have access to some much datas and informations about you ( your finance, your groceries list, your friend and family social media feed, your business… oh my) You said things take more time to do, but it also, and that’s important, allow you to use your brain. Trying to remember things to buy at your grocery store, or the way to go to some places, it’s a good exercice for your memory. The brain is not a muscle but it definitively need practice to stay sharp and efficient. Plus, don’t you think we need time to just do nothing, to be bored, to daydream ? There is no judgement here, I know most of the people around my age nowadays live like that, but I just wanted to put things in perspectives.