Heatless curling methods are everything. Beautiful hair with no damage, it’s almost too good to be true. And sometimes it is. I love testing out heatless curling methods from all over the internet to see if they are any good, and today I tackles a new one. Well, more of a heatless “waving” method today. I’m going to see if I can make my hair wavy using scarfs!

I tried this once, but only with one scarf and I was actually quite pleased with the result. My hair was hip length at the time and I ended up with loose, large waves. My hair is slightly wavy naturally (2a texture), but it usually curls more in the bottom half and the waves/curls are more piecey, if that makes any sense, haha. I might give it another go with 2 scarves.
Oh, and yay for your father’s music in the background! This is my favorite song from the ones you used in your videos.