I went on a skiiing (wow, what a word) trip with my family recently and did a little bit of shopping. Obviously I stocked up on Teekanne teas – my absolute favourite tea brand – and visited the local toy store with its amazing costume section to get some Halloween makeup. Can we fast-forward to October, please? I’m so ready for Halloween!

Oh my goooooood :D I LOVE your Website <3 It is SO AWESOME!!!! I watch your Videos every day, again and again XD Especially the Videos with those cute braided hairstyles :3 I liked you the first time I saw one of your Videos because I think we have quite similar interests :3 Eluveitie is one of my favourite bands, I love Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, I adore everything what's celtic or in that direction :D
I do not Play harp. though I often thought about learning it xD But I play the Great Highland Bagpipe, yay! ^^
I would be soooo happy if we could meet someday, when you come to Austria (because I live their, obviously XD)
You are so amazing, stay the way you are :3 I'm looking forward to watch more of your videos :D
Bye Byeee ~