Sunshine & A Product Launch | Loepsie’s Life

Greetings on this lovely, sunny Monday morning! I’ve had an absolutely lovely week and today I’d like to share the photos with you that I took throughout. Let’s take a look at my diary!

My to-do list was all checked off nice and early on Monday, so I decided to take some time to organise and clear out my hard drives. There was a lot on there, which just proves how badly I needed to sort through it. If only transfering files didn’t take so long, I might’ve had time to actually finish the job too, haha!

The beautiful white tulips I got the week before ended up lasting over a week. I moved them around the house a lot to find the best place for them, but they looked great everywhere. So I just continued moving them around.

I sat down and filmed a few videos in a row, which is definitely something I should do more often. Setting up the lights and all the other gear takes up so much time, it’s a lot more efficient to just film a few videos than to do it again every other day. It does only work when all the videos have the same setup though, and for my channel that means I’ll end up filming a few videos that won’t go up for a month or longer. It feels counter-intuitive to me to film so far ahead but then again, why not? I’m going to try and plan my filming sessions so that I can bulk record, and see how I like working like that.

One of the videos I filmed was the Tea Time Lounge Collection announcement video. I was so excited to finally show you guys what I’ve been working on for months!

As I headed to the gym I realised I lost my water bottle. I think I left it standing on top of a locker unit. Luckily they still had it at the gym, it would be a real shame to lose a cute water bottle like this :) I love how giant it is, I believe it holds 1 liter which is perfect for the gym. I try to drink one whole bottle during my workout, to make sure I get enough water.

This past week was incredible when it comes to the weather. We’ve had a few sunny days in a row now, and temperatures have risen above 10 degrees. It feels like spring has already begun! I noticed a huge difference in my mood straight away. Bright, sunny days make me feel energetic and optimistic. Evening actually snuck up on me a few times while I was still hard at work, which never happened in winter. During the shorter days I’d usually have to hold my eyes open with matches by 4PM, haha!

On Thursday I met up for coffee with a friend in central Amsterdam. As the weather was so nice I decided to go by bike and I was surprised by how quickly I got there. Cycling to the city is something I’d definitely like to do more often now that the weather’s nicer. I wouldn’t go too deep into central Amsterdam as traffic is insane there, but the neighbourhood we went to now (de Pijp) is really nice, close by and not too bad in regards to traffic and tourism.

There were quite a few people sitting there with their laptops doing some work, and I’d really like to try working like that myself sometime. I feel like I might be less distracted when I can’t really do anything else besides working, and when I know people are more or less watching me work. The work I do isn’t always suitable for working from a café, but typing out blog posts for example would be perfect for that. I might give it a go sometime soon!

I received a sample of the new Bio Oil dry skin gel in the mail. Bio Oil is known for preventing & healing stretch marks and scars, and now they have a product that’s meant to soothe extremely dry skin. I don’t suffer from dry skin a lot (only on my hands every now and then), but I do have a rather prominent scar on my leg that I’d like to try using this on. Since half the gel consist of classic Bio Oil, I think it might just work on my scar as well.

Playing a game of Mario Party with Robbert after dinner.


At scouting we had a good old-fashioned game night with the explorer scouts this week. I played this Hobbit game, which had really complicated rules but once we got it, it was lots of fun.

Pádraig matches my onesie just perfectly :)

On Saturday morning we went back to scouting again, to take part in a game for the young kids this time. The kids were divided into pairs, they had to look for different animals around the park and collect all the stamps the animals had.

I was a sleeping lion, so I laid down on one of the park benches and the kids had to “wake me up” before I gave them my stamp. Unfortunately some passers-by thought I was a shady youth sleeping off their alcohol-induced coma. I usually tried to greet them and show them my lion hat but sometimes I was too late and they passed by in a bad mood, haha! I was really surprised by how quick people are to judge. I guess most of them understood what was going on after they encountered the groups of shouting kids and other leaders in animal hats in other parts of the park, but man they could’ve kept their snarky remarks to themselves. Ah well. The kids loved it :)

In the afternoon two of my friends from university came over for an afternoon tea, of which I completely forgot to take pictures. We had lots of lovely food though and a really good time catching up.

On Sunday morning I headed to the gym again, and when I got back the weather was so nice that I decided to drink my protein shake on the balcony. I think it’s time to finally take down the fairy lights that are still up from Christmas, and put the fold-up table back in place to get the balcony ready for spring again.

One of the girls who visited on Saturday is a harp player and she gave me a little kick in the butt to start playing my own harp again. I haven’t played in years now and my repertoire consists of the exact same three or four songs I’ve known since I got the harp, so I think it’s high time I learned some more. I’m considering going back to basics and finally following the lesson book and CD I got when I first got the harp. Hopefully that’ll give me a better base to go off than a few random songs I play poorly. I’m really excited to start playing more frequently again!

Sunday was the day that my merch collection launched. I was really nervous for it, but everything went well! In the evening, my bestie came over with a homemade vegan cake to celebrate. She’s the queen of baking and this cake was absolutely incredible. There’s a little piece left that I’m going to enjoy right as I finish typing up this diary :)

And that brings us to the end of last week! I hope you had a great weekend guys, talk to you soon!

Creator living in Amsterdam with her husband and extensive tea collection. Sewing hobbyist, historical beauty enthusiast, and advocate for slowing down.
Posts created 1496

3 thoughts on “Sunshine & A Product Launch | Loepsie’s Life

  1. you should definitely give working in a café a try. it helps me a lot to get the work done without distraction.

  2. Hi Lucy!

    The merch is super cute : – )) Also, you’re making me want to fulfill my childhood dreams of learning how to play harp… I always wanted to be like the character Medli from the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.

    I came across this heat-free wave former product that I think would be cool to see you test out after that month of CGM. I’ve been doing a bit of CGM on my frizzy mess of hair for about half a year now and I wish I could get results like those curly girl YouTubers! Oh well haha.

    This is the product I found:

    It basically looks like you thread your hair into these little wave former things and you get really pretty curls/waves! Thought you might find it interesting.

    Take care

  3. I love your new merch line, the mug is so cute!

    I have recently started taking aerial hoop lessons (aka Lyra). Since I know you like to dance and go to the gym, I thought you might be interested in this art/exercise form. If you do happen to try it, I would love to hear about your experience in a video or blog post! Best wishes

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