A Very Autumnal Camp | Loepsie’s Life

Greetings to you on this very chilly Monday! I’m currently trying to adjust to normal life again, after spending three days on the other side of the country at a mini scouting camp. Being hurled back into city work life just hours after all of that always takes a bit of time to get to grips with. Not much time to linger however, as I have loads of exciting things planned for this week again. It’s almost Halloween and my friends are coming over tomorrow for a festive session of our longest running D&D campaign. I’m really excited! Anyways, let’s take a look at what I was up to last week.

I’m really not a big fan of shorter days and waking up when it’s still dark, but one thing I do like about it is getting to watch the sunrise. There’s something magical about witnessing the start of a new day like that.

Last week’s diary ended with my telling you how I was going to try and do sock bun curls more freuqently again. Well, here’s the result of that! They turned out pretty good if you ask me, and I love how they give my thin hair a bit of volume. With the curls, the lion necklace and the red sweater I totally felt like Hermione.

I’ve truly made a habit of having a matcha mid-morning, and it’s been absolutely wonderful. The energy boost is gives is just amazing, and I actually really enjoy the taste as well. It takes a bit of getting used to but once you get there, it’s great.

There was no dance class last Monday so I decided to go for a run instead. I went I’m getting noticably better at running and I’ve now added a few meters to my usual course. Slowly on my way to that 5k!

Peek-a-boo! Nothing like an empty box to entertain ratties young and old.

On Tuesday evening Robbert and I traveled to Gouda together for a session of Dungeons and Dragons. After so many years of playing, this is still something I look forward to every time.

Outfit of the day. I’ve pretty much moved back into my winter uniform (jeans & a sweater) now that it’s colder.

It’s soup weather! I love making a large pot of soup and then having leftovers for lunch the rest of the week. It’s a daily boost of vegetables with next to no effort. Not to mention it’s just yummy :)

On Wednesday evening I went to a studio in Amsterdam to shoot an interview with an upcoming YouTube channel. They haven’t launched yet and it’ll take a while before the video is up, so I’ll let you know when it does. We got about an hour of material though and I got very honest and personal, so it’s bound to be good.

Speaking of interviews, another one did go live this week! A few months back I recorded a podcast with Erika Vieira, who runs a website and podcast full of tips for influencers. We talked about my journey on YouTube, my struggles, and my advice for beginning YouTubers. Click here to listen to the episode!

I recorded my realistic pirate makeup tutorial, edited and uploaded it straight away. I was leaving on Friday morning so I had to squeeze a week’s worth of content creation into four days.

Robbert and I had burrito bowls for dinner that night. This is so simple to make, but so delicious! Just cook some rice, dice onion, garlic, bell pepper and tomato, rinse a can of black beans and a can of sweet corn. Saute the onion, garlic and peppers, add mexican spices, add the beans and corn after a few minutes, then turn down the heat and combine all ingredients together (add the rest raw). Serve with a splash of lemon juice and some cilantro. I could easily eat this several times a week, yum!

On Friday morning I met up with my explorer scouts and we traveled to the other side of the country, near the German border where we stayed for three days for an autumnal mini camp.

We built camp fires, climbed trees, went on hikes, played games and got to know each other better.

Campfire food: wrap a handful of finely chopped potato, veggies and/or meat in aluminium foil and place it next to the fire to cook for a few minutes.

It was an absolutely lovely weekend, we couldn’t have asked for anything better on our first weekend away with this new group of kids.

On Sunday we went to Amersfoort, where we let the kids roam free in the city for a bit before all visiting an escape room together. The escape room was intense, creepy, and tormented us with a few very well-excecuted jump scares, but we escaped within the time limit! I’m very proud of how everyone handled it, haha :)

And now we’re here! It was a rather cold and exhausting-in-a-good-way weekend, so I feel a bit sluggish and out of it today. Hopefully a good night’s sleep makes it better and I don’t end up coming down with a cold. By the way, I haven’t had a cold in the longest time which is so crazy to me. I used to get sick all the time and now I haven’t come down with anything at all for over a year. Not complaining though, haha!
I hope you all have a wonderful week. Talk to you soon!

Creator living in Amsterdam with her husband and extensive tea collection. Sewing hobbyist, historical beauty enthusiast, and advocate for slowing down.
Posts created 1496

5 thoughts on “A Very Autumnal Camp | Loepsie’s Life

  1. My boyfriend and I tried your burrito bowl recipe tonight for dinner! It was so delicious! Thank you for sharing the idea.

    We did it with homecooked Spanish rice and added diced onions and sliced avocados on top. Definitely one I will come back to! Yummm!

    1. Ok, this might have been my favorite post on your blog, because… I went back and also listened to the interview you did with Erika Vieira. It was so nice to hear your thoughts on your career, and I learned a lot! Good job :-)

  2. I must have done something wrong with my foil-wrapped fireside dinner. My foil caught on fire! …which was certainly interesting, but it didn’t yield deliciousness. :P Maybe your foil is thicker than mine.

    1. Could be, or maybe you put it too close to the flames? It needs to be in the smouldering bit, if the flames touch it either the food or the foil (or both) will burn 😅

      1. Oh. Well, that would do it! If it ever stops pouring rain here (maybe next July?), I’ll have to try again.

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