Greetings to you on this lovely Monday! I’m back with another photo diary, to show you everything I was up to last week. There wasn’t much going on this time around and I’m actually quite happy with that. I’m leaving on a 9-day holiday very soon and there’s so much to be done before I go. Luckily I did make a lot of progress this past week, work-wise. Let’s take a look at the photos I took!

Tulip season is here and when I spotted these beauties during my grocery run, I decided to take a bunch home. I don’t buy fresh flowers very often but whenever I do, they make me so happy. Look how gorgeous these are! They’re still going strong a week later, by the way.

Another day at the gym. Honestly, I never would’ve thought I’d enjoy going to the gym this much. I end up going at least two times every week and I always have a good time. Now I’m honestly wondering why it took me so long to sign up in the first place. Let’s hope I’ll keep enjoying it this much and I’m able to stick with it, I feel like it’s really doing me good.

Regular workouts are especially good as I’m pretty sedetary otherwise, sitting behind my desk all day. Ah well, can’t say that I mind. I feel incredibly lucky that I get to do a job that I love so much and that’s so fulfilling.

A few weeks back I got a new camera lens with silent auto focus which was supposed to help me get sharper videos, but it turns out all it does is constantly zoom back and forth to find focus. This fluttering makes whatever I record impossible to watch, so I had to find a different solution. I got myself a 3m cable so that I can tether the camera to my Micorsoft Surface, and focus the camera from a distance. The biggest issue with my focus is that I have to walk back and forth between the camera and my spot to change the focus, and I can never be sure that when I walk back I’ll be standing in the right spot again. I also tend to move around a lot during filming so being able to check the focus from where I’m standing throughout the process is a great help. So far it seems to work great, and hopefully you’ll be able to tell the difference in the videos that are going up this week.

Robbert and I went out for a little walk and I noticed the crocuses have started to bloom! This means spring is really on its way, I can’t wait! Crocuses are one of the earliest spring flowers over here and I love when they start to pop up.

Oh, what a simple little fake plant can do to liven up a space :)

One night when Robbert was away I sat down with a bowl of leftover three bean chilli, put on the Lord of the Rings, and had the most relaxed evening ever. I’m already looking forward to watching the second part, it’s been way too long since I last did.

Now that my hair has been shorter for a while, I finally decided to take two strips out of one of my sets of hair extensions and cut them to the current length of my hair. Cutting my hair extensions is something I was always too nervous to do (they obviously won’t grow back), but I figured I could spare two strips to wear in my daily life. I’m not always looking to add length and now that my hair is shorter and has a blunt cut, long extensions are harder to blend too. On days when I just want a bit more volume, I can wear these now. Yay!

I got these resistance bands to aid in my at home workouts. Not that at home workouts are something I do very often, but I’m definitely more open to the idea now and I feel like these could be very useful. My gym offers a variety of home workout videos with the membership, and some of the workouts use these bands. Now I can give them a try!

At scouting this week we planned out what we were going to do with the explorer scouts for the rest of the season, until summer camp. We have lots of fun things planned and are going to start preparing for summer camp soon, so I’m really excited!

Cuddlebugs <3

On Saturday, my old bestie from highschool came over for tea and chats. It was really good to see her again and we talked for hours. And drank loads of tea, as you can tell :)

In the evening Robbert and I went over to his family’s home. His sister cooked a delicious three course meal which was truly incredible. We played a game of Mario Party and watched Wie Is De Mol before heading back home again and crashing down in bed.

On Sunday morning I woke up super tired and with cramps, so I decided to take it easy as much as possible. I finally mended my jeans which had torn at the belt loop, as all my jeans do.

Then I sat down behind my desk and started archiving my YouTube videos. Earlier this week it hit me that I’m not sure I even have all my videos saved on a hard drive somewhere… If something were to happen to YouTube or my account and I were to lose everything I’d be devastated, so I decided to archive it all properly. I went though my uploaded videos and started categorising everything into folders by year. Anything that’s missing I’ll download off YouTube, so that I’ll have a complete archive. I only got though 2019 and 2018 before I had to leave though, so there’s still a lot to do.

In the afternoon there was an activity for the leaders at scouting. We took a screen printing workshop! We learned how to do everything from transferring designs to prepping the screen and doing the actual printing. It was lots of fun and we got the technique down pretty well. I’d love to print custom T-shirts for the explorer scouts now before we go on summer camp!
And that brings us to the end of last week. I hope you’ve had a great weekend, talk to you soon!

I always watch Lord of the Rings when I lay sick in bed or before christmas but thats often also the time when I lay sick in bed.