Keeping a well-stocked pantry was never much of a priority to me. We have a very small home with little storage space, so I usually cycle to the grocery store twice a week to fill up my bike bags with fresh supplies. Until a few weeks ago, that is. Now that it’s important to stay […]
Find Great Joy In The Little Things
I firmly believe that the key to happiness lies not in achieving the great, but in appreciating the small. It’s the little, seemingly mundane, day-to-day moments that can bring us the biggest and most long-lasting joy. Especially in times like these, when everything’s different and harder, it’s all the more important to remain mindful of […]
Lockdown In A Small Home – How We Make It Work
It’s been over a month now since we’ve entered what is referred to as an “intelligent lockdown” here in the Netherlands. We have all kinds of rules and regulations in place, but what it comes down to is: stay home as much as possible, and see as few people as possible in person. Luckily, staying […]
DIY Reusable Face Masks
When the Coronavirus situation got serious here in the Netherlands in mid-March, I went ahead and sewed some face masks for myself and my family. I’ve received a few questions about them so I wanted to dedicate a post to the what, how and why of DIY face masks. The Dutch general public is historically […]
What Now? Dealing With The Current Situation
How are you doing? Have you gotten used to the Corona virus situation yet, or are you still coming to terms with what’s going on? I find myself going back and forth between feeling anxious, nervous and “off”, and somehow functioning and feeling quite alright. How I’ll feel when I wake up each day is […]
Spring Cleaning Checklist
The sun has come out, temperatures are slowly but surely rising, wildflowers are starting to bloom… Spring is here! This time of year, I always feel an urge to go through our entire apartment and scrub it from top to bottom. I have a daily and weekly cleaning routine that I go through, but anything […]
Working From Home? Here’s How You Keep The Balance
Hello my dear readers! In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought this post from last year might be useful to some of you. In many countries (including the Netherlands, where I am) people are strongly encouraged or asked to work from home to help flatten the infection curve. Of course the current situation is […]