A Nice And Quiet One | Loepsie’s Life

Happy Monday my lovely readers! How are you doing? After a crazy week of birthday celebrations, I was happy to have a much more relaxed work week last week. I spent the majority of my time editing last week’s Efteling vlog, but luckily managed to squeeze in some other content and fun as well. Let’s take a look at what I’ve been up to!

Monday is the day I do some household chores, go grocery shopping, and tackle my planning & administrative tasks. And go out to buy three kilos of rat food, some days :) It’s incredible how much those little guys eat.

Major love for my new food processor. When my parents gifted me the Bosch Mum 5 kitchen machine for Christmas I had no idea I’d come to rely on it as much as I do now. I use this for so many things and I actually find myself experimenting in the kitchen more because of it. This food processor attachment was a birthday present and it’s so useful! I can whip up guacamole in under five minutes now :) I’m planning to use it to make some energy balls this week, can’t wait to give that a try.

When one of the rats comes down for a drink, most of the time someone else will also decide it’s time to have some water right now. Usually they’ll then have a little squabble over who gets to drink first and push each other away gently, which is one of the cutest things ever to watch. Right here all four of them decided to have a go at it at the same time, haha!

Whoa, snow! It got super cold over here last week, I believe we hit -10 degrees, and we had a bit of snow as well. There wasn’t a lot of it in Amsterdam, but just enough to turn everything white. A beautiful contrast with the spring flowers that started blooming in my windowsill.

This is my current favourite mug. It’s from the Blond Amsterdam Efteling collection and was one of my birthday presents from Robbert. It’s the perfect size for one cup of tea and I love the Snow White illustration.

I spent three days editing the Efteling vlog this week. My my, what a task! I had two hours of footage and I promised the Efteling PR department a 10-20 minute video, so it needed some serious cutting down. I really like the way it turned out though, I feel like I captured the vibe well. Very happy with it!

After years of wanting to try this, I made my first batch of kale chips. I found some tips online on how to make them turn out well (baking for longer on a lower heat seems to be the trick) and they came out near-perfect on my first try. I over-seasoned them a bit so they were quite spicy and salty, but if I tone that down next time they’re going to be absolutely wondeful. I love the taste and structure so this is definitely something I want to do more often!

Wednesday evening we took the train during a lovely sunset…

All the way to beautiful Gouda for a game of Dungeons & Dragons.

Next morning I finally got to use my new contacts! I’ve been wanting to get stronger contacts for a while now and a few weeks back I finally went in to get a checkup. I now have a different strength on one side all according to the checkup, but strangely enough I still feel like I get better vision through my glasses. That’s probably because glasses are more customisable than contacts… Ah well, at least it’s better than it was before!

Friday I headed over to my hometown to run some errands. Afterwards I picked up my brother and dad and the three of us went to IKEA. It was my brother’s birthday and when I asked him what he wanted as a gift, he said a new desk, so we went to pick one out!

Of course there was cake as well. I can’t believe my little baby brother turned 20! For some reason I’m always more surprised at how quickly he’s getting older, than at my own ageing, even though our birthdays are only a week apart.

While I was at IKEA I picked up some little things for our house as well, among which was this shoe rack. We have a whole shoe cabinet in the hallway which is filled to the rim, but somehow a huge pile of shoes formed under the coat hanger nonetheless so we decided to get this rack to organise that. It looks much better this way!

Saturday night was iScout, a nationwide game for Dutch scouts. It’s a competition where you can earn points by fulfilling tasks. The points can then be used to answer quiz questions, and whoever has the most correct answers wins. Our group was relatively small with 13 people, but we did really well I think! Out of 422 participating groups I believe we ended somewhere in the 120s.

One of the tasks was to “pimp” a car using cardboard…

And another was to print a t-shirt using a manhole cover. This turned out really cool, actually!

It got quite late that night so we slept in next morning. I made fresh orange juice…

… and we watched the Wie Is De Mol finale.

When I went outside to take out some recycling, I noticed the weather was amazing. It was freezing cold all week and now suddenly the sun was shining and the temperature was really pleasant. Robbert and I decided to jump on the opportunity and do some much needed maintenance on our bikes. It took a while but we got them up and running smoothly again!

And that brings us to the end of my week. A nice and quiet one, which was much needed. I feel fully energised again and ready to tackle a new week. Hope you have a good one, guys!

Creator living in Amsterdam with her husband and extensive tea collection. Sewing hobbyist, historical beauty enthusiast, and advocate for slowing down.
Posts created 1496

5 thoughts on “A Nice And Quiet One | Loepsie’s Life

  1. Ha! Ik wist dat ik hem ergens had gezien ooit haha! Ik vroeg me af hoe jij je food processor van Bosch nu vindt! Ik wil er eentje kopen en denk aan deze namelijk:) nog altijd zo enthousiast?


    1. Ahh wat leuk om van je te horen! Ik ben er nog steeds heel blij mee. Niet alle functies worden even veel gebruikt (ik bak bijna nooit dus de mengkom gebruik ik bijvoorbeeld niet zo vaak, net als de raspen die ik eigenlijk alleen gebruik als ik kimchi maak :P) maar de hakmolen, blender en citruspers gebruik ik regelmatig. Heel fijn om alles in één apparaat te hebben, scheelt een hoop ruimte in de keuken. Je kan er echt super veel mee en alles is van goede kwaliteit.
      Groetjes aan jullie allebei, ook van Robbert! :)

  2. thats funny what u write about glasses and contacts. i could never get warm with glasses because they couldnt correct my vision as good as contacts could, so i had headache all the time. :)

  3. This sounds like a lovely week! I just recently decided to check out your blog – I’ve been following your YouTube channel for some time, but for some reason thought your blog mainly had recipes, haha! It was fun to discover your lifestyle updates on here. Your weekly recaps are really calming :)

  4. I absolutely love your posts and videos. I have actually just recently started to re-watch all of your videos and re-read all of your blogs. It’s funny because my older sister was a follower of you since you’ve first started and I would always watch your videos with her. A year or so I was like, “I need to follow her and read her stuff!” Not disappointed! You are amazing!

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