Organising My Bathroom Drawers

I don’t know what it is about bathrooms that makes them so hard to keep organised. Maybe it’s the frequent, rushed use, the overflow of products, or the fact that it’s hidden away. I recently looked at the drawer set in my bathroom in shock. How could it have come to this? It was in dire need of some re-organising, so that’s just what I’m going to do: organising bathroom drawers!


Gosh, the look of this…


On top of the drawer set, I keep a basket of samples. I like to keep that out to visually remind myself to use them up. The other products have no business being up there, at all.


The top drawer is supposed to be the drawer where I story my everyday products. Needless to say, I don’t use all of this on an everyday basis. And it looks horribly cluttered.


The second drawer is filled with products I rarely use, and backups. And feminine products, which need to be stored a bit more tastefully (the packaging shining through the front of the drawer- very classy!)


As with any organising project, I started by pulling everything out of the drawers. Whoa! I can’t believe I had all of this stuffed in there. Time to sort through and determine what can be moved or tossed, and what needs to go back in.


I put all my backups and seasonal products (sunscreens) in this basket, to be put away in a box in my room. I ended up tossing some DIY masks, old contact case lids and cotton buds that were floating around, and expired sunscreen.


So much better!


The top drawer now actually contains my everyday products. I used a little basket to hold my floss, my deodorant, contact solution, hair serum and part of my skincare. Next to that I have some cotton pads. Behind the basket are two opened packs of makeup wipes, two body butters and a hair mask.


The bottom drawer looks a lot cleaner as well. What helped the most here was removing all the sunscreens, they took up so much space and I hadn’t touched them in months. Now I keep products in here that I don’t use every day, but do use frequently, like bath products, body lotions, face masks and scrubs. I took the pads out of the packaging which makes them look a lot less awkward, in my opinion. The bottom drawer could do with a bit of sectioning, but I’ll have to hunt for the right baskets for a while that will fit everything.

I feel so refreshed! Organising can be quite an ordeal, but the great feeling you get afterwards is so worth it. And it streamlined my morning and night routines, too!


Creator living in Amsterdam with her husband and extensive tea collection. Sewing hobbyist, historical beauty enthusiast, and advocate for slowing down.
Posts created 1496

2 thoughts on “Organising My Bathroom Drawers

  1. I wish I could organize things like that, but it's one bathroom for four or five people LOL
    I could organize my pads, though. I am not embarrassed by them, they just are all over the drawer hahaha

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