Hair History: Ancient Egypt

Ta-daah! I present to you the first episode of my new series: Hair History! Similarly to my last series Makeup History, I’ll be going all throughout history and spilling a bunch of info on the hair customs, fashions and rituals of each era, before doing a hair tutorial inspired by the era.

In episode one I’m going to talk about the Ancient Egyptians. I really hope you enjoy it!


Creator living in Amsterdam with her husband and extensive tea collection. Sewing hobbyist, historical beauty enthusiast, and advocate for slowing down.
Posts created 1496

11 thoughts on “Hair History: Ancient Egypt

  1. Can you send the video of the Egyptian hairstyle to me so I can look at it? I’m thinking of wanting to do that hairstyle

    1. Hi Shelby,

      I decided to set this video to private a while ago. As years went by more and more people were offended by me (as a caucasian woman) talking about North-African beauty history and replicating this hairstyle. The video was made with pure intentions and I do believe I treated the subject respectfully, but it seems the topic has become much more socio-politically loaded than it was when I made this series. It’s never my intention for my videos to stir up negativity or hurt people, so that’s why I decided to take it down. All the other episodes in the series are still up for you to enjoy! :)

    2. So do you still have the Egyptian hairstyle? how can I sign in to look at it?

      1. Private means the video is only accessible to the person who uploaded it. I’m afraid it’s no longer available to be watched

    3. Hey Lucy. I was wandering maybe if you could recreate the style without using the African controversy. I really like the hairdo. Can you send pictures of it?

  2. I like your makeup history between ancient Egypt through the 90s. Can you upload the products that you used for each of them so I can get the exact makeup looks?

  3. I’d love to do this hairstyle and make-up as well, but something tells me it would be strange to wear it on a regular day at work, even for me, lol (I actually went dressed in a medieval dress at work once or twice, like on Halloween). I’ll have to find an appropriate occasion.

  4. This is so great! I am really getting into hair styles and mastered a specific hair styel worn by one of Napoleons sisters :)

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