Cú Chulainn’s Warp Spasm

The time has come for my first Halloween tutorial of the year! Since I know you guys love my Celtic-themed Halloween videos, I decided to kick off my Halloween tutorials with my rendition of Cú Chulainn’s warp spasm. Cú Chulainn is the big hero of the medieval Irish Ulster cycle of tales, and quite an interesting character indeed.
Whenever things get tough in battle, he goes berserk and turns into a monster. His body turns back-to-front inside his skin, his mouth opens up to giant proportions, one of his eyes swells up to the size of a mead-cup and the other shrinks into his head.

Fun fact: in order to make him snap out of the warp spasm, the women of Ulster have to bare their breasts at Cú Chulainn so that he looks away in embarrassment, and in that moment he is grabbed and dunked into three vats of cold water The first two evaporate from his heat, and only in the third vat he finally cools down.

Creator living in Amsterdam with her husband and extensive tea collection. Sewing hobbyist, historical beauty enthusiast, and advocate for slowing down.
Posts created 1496

3 thoughts on “Cú Chulainn’s Warp Spasm

  1. Hi Lucy,

    this is absolutely gorgeous! Can you please, please do a Halloween tutorial of how to become a statue? I saw a picture recently and it was stunning…

  2. I’m going to be honest, when I first saw this photo, I was scared out of my mind (in the best way possible) your talent is unbelievable! love your channel lucy xo

  3. Whoa, you’re crazy! I say this in the best way possible, haha. This is why you’re my favorite youtuber/blogger. Your Halloween tutorials are really creative, not the same old sexy vampire, sexy werewolf stuff.

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