Organise With Me | Kitchen Cabinets

Since New Year’s, or actually since I put my Christmas decorations away, I’ve been on this organising spree, going through cabinets and drawers and re-organising everything. There’s something about starting a new year in a well organised home that just feels right. Like starting off with a clean slate. To be honest, I like organising in general and now’s as good a time as ever, right?

One of the areas in my house that has been bothering me the most are my kitchen cabinets, especially the one that I use as a pantry. It was overflowing and disorganised and I wasn’t feeling on top of what’s inside there any more.

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Let’s move past this very quicky, shall we? I can hardly bear to look at it, haha!

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First thing I do with any organising project, is to pull everything out and clean the cabinet with a little all purpose cleaner. I was really surprised by how dirty these shelves actually were and I need to remember to do this more often.

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It’s always surprising how much stuff fits into such a tiny cabinet, isn’t it?
A lot of this stuff I was able to throw out because it had expired, or re-locate to a better storage place. For example, the baking paper, aluminium foil and cling film went in with the cleaning supplies, and all the empty pesto jars are now used to store loose leaf tea.

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This is what it ended up looking like after I put everything back in! Since I’d thrown out so much stuff, I could get by with using the old storage system. I sort everything by category and put it inside labelled baskets, so I know exactly where to find what I’m looking for.

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The top shelf holds my little spice rack in the back. I got this little shelf accessory at Ikea, it’s perfect for cupboards like this. The extra space underneath is now used for tea cup overflow (I have a ridiculous amount of tea cups). On top of the shelf I keep most of my spices and dried herbs.

The left basket holds my snack foods; crisps, chocolate, crackers…

The right basket is labelled “Pasta & Soup”, but it actually contains everything that has to do with dinner and doesn’t have another place. I have lentils in there for example, cans of tomatoes, pesto and sushi rice, for example.

Next to the soup & pasta basket I have a little container that holds olive oil, apple cider vinegar and garlic. Behind it is a net of onions.

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The bottom shelf holds two baskets of baking supplies and hot chocolate mix. Next to those are two more baskets, stacked. The bottom one holds nuts and dried fruit, and the top one holds any spreads and other breakfast/lunch supplies that don’t need to go in the fridge. I have chocolate sprinkles in there, peanut butter, and some unopened jars of jam.

Now the only thing that’s next to the baskets is my handheld mixer. It looks a lot cleaner now that there’s only one item there, instead of a crooked stack.

I’m so happy with my new clean and organised kitchen cupboard, and now that I’ve done it, I can’t believe it took me so long to go through it. Seeing how little time it actually took, compared to how huge the task seemed beforehand, made me feel even more motivated to clean, purge and organise even more areas in my house. Ultimate goal? A perfectly organised house. Achievable? Perhaps not really, but a fun task to try and tackle nonetheless.


Creator living in Amsterdam with her husband and extensive tea collection. Sewing hobbyist, historical beauty enthusiast, and advocate for slowing down.
Posts created 1496

2 thoughts on “Organise With Me | Kitchen Cabinets

  1. Mijn vader kwam mijn kamer binnenlopen terwijl ik je blogpost las en hij zei ”Van wie is dat kastje? Dat is een rommelkont. Dat zie je zo”. haha. Ik heb hem uitgelegd dat het doel was om het kastje op te ruimen XD

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