A Week Of Historical Hair | Loepsie’s Life

Happy Monday everybody! I hope your week is off to a good start. Mine certainly is! I started my day with a matcha and have been buzzing away, finishing little tasks left and right :) I’m also super hyped because I just found out I get to go to the Dutch premiere of Marvel’s Venom in two weeks and I’m beyond excited about that. I firmly believe my job comes with the best perks ever. Anyways, today I have another photo diary for you, sharing everything I was up to last week. Let’s take a look!

Early on Monday morning, the first thing I did was go to my bi-annual dentist’s checkup. These always make me realise how quickly time passes by… I felt like I was there just last week, and it’s been 6 months already. Happy to report the teeth are still doing well :)

I’m in love with this coat I got from Stradivarius this summer. A sand-coloured trench coat is such a classic piece that I really felt was missing from my wardrobe. Apparently it really was, as I’ve been wearing it loads since I’ve had it. Added bonus: it makes my otherwise all black outfits look a little less bland, haha!

I found little Bran sleeping in this tube and couldn’t stop laughing. He appeared to be quite comfortable in there and stayed in this position for a good 15 minutes. I’ve found him there a few times since, too. Isn’t it just the most adorable thing? Look at those little hands dangling down. Silly boy.

I have to share my breakfast with the boys every morning or they won’t leave me alone. Not that I mind at all :) They get to lick the bowl after I finish, it’s our little morning ritual.

You know how you sometimes get these cleaning, organising or purging fits? I’ve been getting those quite a lot lately. I think it’s something about the turn of the seasons that sets me off, but I just keep getting the urge to optimize what we have in our home and how it’s stored. This morning I went through my closet like a whirlwind and picked out a bunch of stuff I’m going to donate. I also put the special occasion dresses I wear once a year (if at all) in storage, and all of this created a lot more breathing room in my closet. I’ve eliminated some pieces I’ve realised I don’t (want to) wear anymore, which also creates more opportunity for me to pick the pieces I do actually want to wear, but end up not reaching for because I’m overwhelmed with the amount of choices I have. I’m very happy with the contents of my closet right now, and with the fact that someone else can enjoy these items now and put them to good use.

Filming Beauty Beacons is always a task for a full day, especially when I don’t know anything about the beauty yet and get tangled up in all of the fascinating info about her life. Keep your eyes peeled for a very fun 18th century episode this Sunday!

I’m so excited soup season is upon us again. Soups are such perfect food for cold, rainy days. I love how they’re usually super quick and easy to throw together with great, satisfying results. This is a beetroot and parsnip soup with beans and veggie crisps that we had for dinner one day, and then for lunch a few days after.

Wednesday evening we met up with some friends at the scouting to put the tents away that we’d used last weekend, and to spend some time by the campfire. We were treated to this amazing sunset. Autumn always brings the best sunsets, some are absolutely breathtaking and this was one of them.

In case you’re wondering why the little boys sleep in a separate cage… Haha! They do get to visit their older brothers in the big cage, but as long as this happens routinely we can’t risk leaving them there unsupervised. They’re growing super fast though, I think they’ll be able to move in here before long.

I filmed a new installment of the Pin Curl Diaries, and got to wear my new hand made dress from Mrs Pomeranz. Isn’t this just the most gorgeous dress ever? Robbert took some really nice photos of me in it, and I just felt super fabulous all day.

Having a matcha mid-morning is my new daily ritual, and I feel so good doing this. It gives me a wonderful energy boost that makes me get into a flow really easily, which then often lasts the whole work day. I’ve been so productive since doing this! I’ve been using the matchas from The Matcha Reserve that I received a while back for a sponsored video. They’re such great quality that I drink them just as they are, without any milk, which is something I haven’t been able to do with any other matcha I’ve had before. Yum yum!

Still working on my wooden spoon, and really enjoying the process. I do have some cuts and blisters on my hands which is very un-beauty-blogger-like, but hey, who cares about that ;)

The little boys mid-battle. They’re super playful, like any young animal, and I absolutely love how they drag the older boys along with that as well. They’re all jumping, running and rolling around and it’s a joy to behold.

Now that it’s getting colder and darker, I’ve started craving warm breakfasts again. Back to making oatmeal in the morning! There’s something very comforting about starting the day with a bowl of warm, fresh, home-cooked oatmeal.

As you could see in the video, the second-day hair from the pin curls turned out amazing. I’m pretty sure this was the best hair day I’ve had in a long time! I couldn’t resist wearing another sort of vintage outfit with it, and feeling fabulous again, haha.

In the evening I went for a little skating round through the neighbourhood, before changing into my uniform and heading to the scouting. I’ve decided to volunteer as a full-time explorer leader this year, so starting now I’ll be there every Friday to hopefully help mould a bunch of teenagers into respectable young adults :)

My sauerkraut is finally done and it’s amazing! I’m over the moon that it worked out on my first try. I have a giant load of sauerkraut now though and Robbert doesn’t like it, so I’ll have to find a way to somehow eat all of it when he’s away, lol.

Yesterday Robbert and I headed over to Utrecht to walk around, have a late lunch and do a bit of shopping. I always love going back to Utrecht and it was really nice to have Robbert there with me as well. We had a really nice, relaxed day!

The little boys’ cage has two doors that are really easy to open from the inside, so they’re held closed by some old pink hair clips of mine. I forgot to put back one of the clips after feeding them yesterday, and when I came into the room I found both boys on the bookshelf. They were quick to jump on that opportunity, haha! They knew full well they were up to something naughty though, for as soon as I walked in and said “hey!”, they ran back into the cage and pretended nothing happened. Cheeky little beans :)

And that was my week! It was quite a busy one, there was something going on almost every evening, but they were all fun things and I managed to get a lot of work done as well. A good week, all in all! I hope yours was great as well, guys. Talk to you soon!

Creator living in Amsterdam with her husband and extensive tea collection. Sewing hobbyist, historical beauty enthusiast, and advocate for slowing down.
Posts created 1496

3 thoughts on “A Week Of Historical Hair | Loepsie’s Life

  1. Oh how nice that you get to go to the Venom premiere!
    I’d love to hear your beetroot soup recipe, I’ve been meaning to try cooking with beetroots, but I have no clue what to do with them ;)
    Love from Germany

  2. If you’re a fan of vintage dresses, I cannot recommend enough the Joanie website, I only dress from then now and I think you’ll like it ;-)

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