Moroccan Style Mint Tea

It won’t come as a surprise to you that I’m a bit of a tea enthousiast. Hot tea and herbal infusions are my drink of choice and you’ll seldom find me without a steaming pot of tea by my side. I mostly drink my tea casually, but sometimes really sitting down and just savouring a cup of quality tea can be such a joy. In some cultures tea is much more than just a drink, and I’m fascinated with different tea rituals from around the world. Today I’d like to tell you a bit about the tea ritual in Morocco.

Moroccan mint tea is something I was introduced to a few years back, and every now and then I make myself a “light” version to enjoy at home. In Morrocco, serving sweet mint tea to guests is a matter of hospitality and tradition embedded into the culture. The tea is made by putting a teaspoon of green tea leaves per cup in a metal tea pot or kettle, pouring some boiling water on top of the leaves, and swirling the pot around to rinse the tea leaves. Wait two minutes, then pour the water out, keeping the tea leaves in the pot. Add a handful of fresh mint and loads of sugar, and fill the tea pot with boiling water again. Put the pot or kettle on the stove and let simmer for about 5 minutes. When the tea is ready, pour the tea into a glass from as high a distance as you can manage without spilling (this is a sign of respect towards the guest). Pour the tea from the glass back into the tea pot, and repeat at least once. Then you’re all set to enjoy a cup of sweet, minty goodness. Morroccan tea is served in small glasses without handles.

When I feel like enjoying this treat at home, I make mine in a bit more of a simple, non-traditional way. I only make one cup, so I start by adding a small teaspoon of green tea to a strainer and placing it in a cup. Then I add a sprig or two of fresh mint, before filling the cup with 80°C water. I leave it to steep for about 5 minutes, before stirring in a teaspoon of honey. And that’s it!

What I do is really a bit of a mix between the traditional Moroccan tea, and the way the Dutch drink their mint tea, with only fresh mint leaves and honey. It’s quite delicious and definitely worth giving a try. Next time you have guests over, why not try serving them a pot of traditionally brewed mint tea?

Creator living in Amsterdam with her husband and extensive tea collection. Sewing hobbyist, historical beauty enthusiast, and advocate for slowing down.
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